Start periode
Minimale verblijfsduur
6 weeks
Aantal personen
Education, Social work, Occupational therapy, Physical Exercise, Life Skills, Child Development
Start periode
Minimale verblijfsduur
6 weeks
Aantal personen
Education, Social work, Occupational therapy, Physical Exercise, Life Skills, Child Development
Special Needs Day Care in Port Elizabeth creates a safe, enriching environment for special needs children (ages 6-18 years) during working days so their family members are free seek employment to support their families.
Children with special needs (mentally & physically) cannot be placed in any daycare and this often means a family member who could have earned an income is unable to work because they care for the child at home. This is particularly a challenge for families from townships where a lack of resources and tools results in a lack of stimulation and development for special needs children.
The development of independence is very important by working with the children during the day and consulting with parents/family members on how to support the child’s development.
Vision:To be a dynamic movement which supports handicapped children in attaining optimal mental well-being and quality of life in society.
Mission:We actively work with the community to achieve the highest possible level of mental health for all by:
•Enabling people to identify mental health needs and responding appropriately (i.e. communicate with parents, analyze children’s home, supply ergonomic devices);
•Developing equal caring services for people having difficulty coping with everyday life and those with mental handicaps (i.e. supplying day care, life skills education and transportation);
•Creating public awareness of mental health issues and striving for recognition and protection of mental health rights (i.e. external activities to church or beach to promote understanding and integration).
The existence and continuity can only be assured because of our loyal staff. They create an environment where the children can learn several skills and develop themselves by offering a structured program.
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Op onze website zijn verschillende reviews te lezen met een beoordeling van hun LGA ervaring.
Kan ik in contact komen met mensen die al eerder zijn gegaan?
We kunnen altijd kijken of we je met eerdere LGA-gangers in contact kunnen brengen die bijvoorbeeld bij dezelfde projectpartner een project hebben gedaan.
Hoe kan ik in contact komen en blijven met LGA?
Telefonisch, per mail, via Whatsapp, Teams etc. Per email kunnen we je het makkelijkste de juiste brochures doorsturen en gedurende je verblijf is Whatsapp contact heel makkelijk.
Voor welke landen moet ik met Roel contact opnemen?
Zuid Afrika, Egypt, Botswana, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Rwanda, Mozambique, Lesotho, Swaziland & Mauritius.
Voor welke landen moet ik met Noor contact opnemen?
Ghana, Oeganda
Hoe kan ik in contact blijven met LGA, familie en vrienden etc.?
We adviseren je een lokale simkaart te kopen met een bel en internetbundel zodat je gemakkelijk per WhatsApp of bijv. Skype kan appen/bellen. Je WhatsApp nummer met al je contacten blijft gewoon gekoppeld aan je huidige nummer.
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