Start periode
Minimale verblijfsduur
1 maand
Aantal personen
Health care, Nursing, Nutrition & Dietitians , Biology, Medicine, Radiotherapy , Laboratory
Start periode
Minimale verblijfsduur
1 maand
Aantal personen
Health care, Nursing, Nutrition & Dietitians , Biology, Medicine, Radiotherapy , Laboratory
The health care system in Ghana is lacking professional knowledge, skills and means. Given the limited resources it is difficult for the hardworking staff to provide basic health care for everyone in the area. This program is suitable for those conducting internships (public health) as well as students and professionals interested in public health in a developing nation.
Provision of healthcare (systems) are not prioritised by the government in Ghana. Little money and supplies are available in government hospitals and clinics for the necessary care of the population and well-educated doctors are going working abroad most of the time. Poverty causes poor health in that without proper resources, treatable diseases such as diarrhea, malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and others contribute to disability and mortality within Ghana.
Goal: The main objective is to develop awareness and understanding of the fact that living conditions and view on health influences the development of health care within a society. And contribute towards the health care services in the clinic.
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Wat kan ik doen om de kans op een cultuurschok te verkleinen?
Bieden jullie ook Workshops aan over Afrika en cultuurverschillen?
Jazeker, de Follow your African Sun workshop is speciaal gericht op cultuurverschillen, managen van je verwachtingspatroon en persoonlijke reflectie om jouw Afrika ervaring zo positief mogelijk te laten worden.
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